May 26, 2012

PeopleSoft : SQL to search peoplecode

  from PSPCMTXT ;
 WHERE PCTEXT LIKE '%cleardropdownitem%'

In the above query  OBJECTVALUE  represents any one of the following:
4.peoplecode event.

PCTEXT--Represents the actual text in the peoplecode for an event.

PeopleSoft : New features in PeopleTools 8.52

PSPCMTXT : Contains the read only version of all peoplecode listed in plain text.
PeopleCode API Reference
New Classes
SchemaLevel class
Search Framework classes, which include:
FacetFilter class
FacetNode class
SearchCategory class
SearchClusteringSpec class
SearchFactory class
SearchField class
SearchFieldCollection class
SearchFilter class
SearchGroupingSpec class
SearchQuery class
SearchQueryService class
SearchResult class
SearchResultCollection class
SearchSortingSpec class
SearchAuthnQueryFilter class
New Methods
Favorite collection, InsertFolderItem method
Chart class, SetExplodedSectorsArray method
File class, GetBase64StringFromBinary method
File class, WriteBase64StringToBinary method
IBInfo class, LoadRESTHeaders method
IntBroker class, GetURL method
Leaf class, GenABNMenuElementWithImage method
Message class, FirstCorrelation method
Message class, GetURIDocument method
Message class, GetURIResource method
Message class, SetContentString method
Message class, OverrideURIResource method
Node class, GenABNMenuElementWithImage method
OrgChart class, SetIMData method
OrgChart class, SetIMRecord method
OrgChart class, SetNodeDisplayData method
OrgChart class, SetNodeDisplayDataRecord method
OrgChart class, SetSchemaLevels method

New Properties
Favorite class, IsFolder property
Message class, HTTPMethod property
Message class, HTTPResponseCode property
Message class, InitializeConversationId property
Message class, SegmentContentTransfer property
Message class, SegmentContentType property
Message class, URIResourceIndex property
OrgChart class, ChartCurrentSchemaLevel property
OrgChart class, IMPresence property
OrgChart class, IMRefreshInterval property
OrgChart class, NodeProportion property
PeopleCode Language Reference
New Built-In Functions
Modified Built-In Functions
CleanAttachments – Now accepts an optional PreserveCaseHint parameter.
DateTimeValue – Now accepts date/time values in ISO 8601 format.
GenHTMLMenu – Now accepts two optional parameters: fldr_img_class_ID and element_label.
LoadABN – Now accepts three optional parameters: disp_relactions, fldr_img_class_ID, and

Functions No Longer Supported
 You will receive an error if you try to use them in your PeopleCode program:

Find Definition References
Application packages are now included among the definition types examined when you run the Find Definition References utility.  (earlier it was disabled)
Find In Utility
Select All and Deselect All buttons have been added to the user interface of the Find In utility that you
use to search for specific text strings in PeopleCode and SQL. 
Page Order Tab
The grid on the page order tab has a new Tab Order column. This column helps to clarify the difference between the tab order and the field ID. The column also makes the tab order more explicit by numbering the controls sequentially.
Partial Pagelet Refresh
PeopleTools  8.52  introduces partial pagelet refresh in component-based pagelets that you create in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Partial pagelet refresh enables the application—in response to a user action such as a search, a field value change, or a mouse click—to update pagelets in a different state without refreshing the entire page.
Homepage Pagelet Support
WorkCenter pages  now include support for homepage pagelets. A new field, Pagelet Type, enables you to select Homepage Pagelet as an option. You then can use a modal lookup page to select from any existing homepage pagelet in the portal registry. 
*      User Interface Improvements
Several user interface improvements debut in PeopleTools 8.52. The improvements include:   Pagelet area options. 
*      A drop-down list enables you to select from three options that apply to the WorkCenter page: Reload, Personalize, and Configure. A Home button enable you to refresh the WorkCenter page and return to the   Automatic pagelet sizing.
*      All open pagelets are sized automatically based on the available area in the pagelet frame. The open pages share the area and are sized equally.
Dashboards are similar to homepages; however, unlike homepages, you configure dashboards
separately from the Structure and Content page in the portal registry.
*      You can perform these tasks using the Manage Dashboards Pages page:  Create and manage new and existing dashboard pages.  Add pagelets to dashboards pages.  Manage dashboard page properties, such as content, layout, and security.

Charting Enhancements
Organization Chart Enhancements
Several enhancements to organizational charts in PeopleTools 8.52 make them more flexible, more accessible, and more useful. These enhancements include:  Zoom levels, or schemas, enable the user to select among views that display more nodes with less data or fewer nodes with less data. The zoom schemas incorporate the new node display templates to present different levels of detail. The new SchemaLevel class supports configuring schema levels.
Exploded Pie Charts
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional pie charts can be configured with exploded sectors. The new Chart class method SetExplodedSectorsArray defines which sectors are exploded and the degree of separation.