Jan 31, 2013

PeopleSoft : AE Peoplecode to read data from excel

Local array of string &a;
&sFilePath = "C:\temp\template.xls";
&oWorkApp = CreateObject("COM", "Excel.Application");
ObjectSetProperty(&oWorkApp, "Visible", True);
&oWorkBook = ObjectGetProperty(&oWorkApp, "Workbooks");
&oWorkSheet = &oWorkApp.Worksheets("Sheet1");
&rowcount = &oWorkSheet.Usedrange.rows.count;
&cellcount = &oWorkSheet.Usedrange.cells.count;
&columncount = &oWorkSheet.Usedrange.columns.count;
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "RowCount:" | &rowcount);
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "CellCount:" | &cellcount);
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "ColumnsCount:" | &columncount);
For &i = 1 To &rowcount
   rem  &a = CreateArray("");
   For &j = 1 To &columncount
      &data = &oWorkSheet.Cells(&i, &j).Value;
      rem &a.Push(&data);
      MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "data in" | &i | " row " | &j | " column :" | &data);
&oWorkApp.DisplayAlerts = "True";

Jan 26, 2013

PeopleSoft : DMS Scripts

PeopleSoft Data Mover enables you to:
·         Transfer application data between PeopleSoft databases.
·         Move PeopleSoft databases across operating systems and database platforms.
·         Execute Structured Query Language (SQL) statements against any PeopleSoft database, regardless of the underlying operating system or database platform.
Most Used DMS Scripts:
--DMS for exporting a record.
set log D:\DataMover-Scripts\ ORG_JOB _EXPORT.log;
set output D:\DataMover-Scripts\ ORG_JOB.dat;
export ORG_JOB_TBL;

--DMS for importing a record.
set log D:\DataMover-Scripts\ORG_JOB_IMPORT.log;
set input  D:\DataMover-Scripts\ ORG_JOB.dat;
import  ORG_JOB_TBL;

PeopleSoft : Random Password Generation

Local string &a;
&j = Int(Rand() * 25) + 65;
&a = &a | Char(&j);
&j = Int(Rand() * 35) + 97;
&a = &a | Char(&j);
&j = Int(Rand() * 9) + 48;
&a = &a | Char(&j);
&j = Int(Rand() * 12) + 33;
&a = &a | Char(&j);
&j = Int(Rand() * 9) + 48;
&a = &a | Char(&j);

&j = Int(Rand() * 35) + 97;
&a = &a | Char(&j);
&j = Int(Rand() * 25) + 65;
&a = &a | Char(&j);


PeopleSoft : Add drop down list in order.

 For &j = 1 To &Rs.ActiveRowCount
   &value = &Rs(&j).CH_RATING_TBL.CH_RATING.Value;
   &descr = &Rs(&j).CH_RATING_TBL.DESCR.Value;

   N_JOBSKILL1_TBL.CH_PROFLEVEL.AddDropDownItem(&value, Rept(Char(9), &j) | &descr);

&j should be activerowcount -1

the translate value which u want first in the list should be appended with activerowcount number of char(9)

Jan 21, 2013

PeopleSoft Charts

To create a chart:
  1. Open PeopleSoft Application Designer.
  2. Open the page where the chart is to be inserted.
  3. Insert the chart control by either:
·                     Clicking on the chart icon in the toolbar, or
·                     Selecting Insert, Chart
  1. Draw the chart control on the page.
  2. Associate the chart control with a record field
Every chart control must be associated with a record field. This is just the field for the chart control. It is not the field used for drilling down for data in the chart.
Bring up the chart control properties by either
·                     Double-clicking on the chart control, or
·                     Right-clicking on the chart control and selecting Page Field Properties.
  1. Select the record name and field for the chart.
On the Record tab of the chart control properties, select the record and field for the chart.
To make the control a page anchor, select the Enable as Page Anchor on the General tab.
  1. Write your PeopleCode.
In some event on the page, such as Activate, put the PeopleCode you need for populating the chart.
  1. Get the chart.
The first thing you must do is get the chart. You must use the record and field name that you associated with the chart control on the page.
  1. Set the data records.
Set the data record. The SetData function associates the record data with the chart. Then use the SetDataYAxis and SetDataXAxis functions to associate specific fields in the record with the Y axis data and the X axis data.
This is all the code needed to create a chart. You don’t need to set the chart type: the default is a 2D bar chart. You don't need to set the series unless you want to group your data. Everything else is also optional.
  1. (Optional) Set the data series.
In this example, we want to set the region as the series. This means that the data will be grouped according to the region.
  1. (Optional) Set the chart type.
Because we want a stacked bar for the chart, we must set the Type property of the chart. This means that each product (footballs, rackets, and so on) will have a single bar, and the data series (California, Oregon, and so on) will be what is 'stacked'.
&oChart.Type = %ChartType_2DStackedBar;
  1. (Optional) Set legend and label attributes.
For this example, we want a legend, and want it to appear in the right side. In addition, because the text of the series labels is so large, they must be vertical to display all of them.
&oChart.HasLegend = True; &oChart.LegendPosition = %ChartLegend_Right;
&oChart.XAxisLabelOrient = %ChartText_Vertical;

Sample code to  prepare chart:

Local Chart &cChart;
Local Rowset &wecntrs;
Local SQL &WSQL;
Local number &i, &empcnt;
Local string &perrating;

/* Get data by using SQL*/
&wecntrs = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowset(Scroll.PERFORM_RATIN);
&i = 1;

/* Prepare Data */
While &WSQL.Fetch(&empcnt, &perrating)
   &wecntrs(&i).PERFORM_WRK.EMPL_COUNT.Value = &empcnt;
   &wecntrs(&i).PERFORM_WRK.PERFORM_RATING.Value = &perrating;
   &i = &i + 1;

/**Chart properties **/
&cChart = GetChart(PERFORM_WRK.PERFORM_RATING);/* PERFORM_WRK.PERFORM_RATING assingned to chart */
&cChart.HasLegend = True;
&cChart.LegendPosition = %ChartLegend_Right;
&cChart.Type = %ChartType_3DPie;
&cChart.SetData(&wecntrs);  /* &wecntrs  is a rowset ,this contains data. */
&cChart.IsDrillable = True;  

/* set data hints */

/* set data colors */
&cSliceColors = CreateArray(12, 10, 2, 5);

/* To explode data */
Local array of number &ExplodedArray;
&ExplodedArray = CreateArray(4);

/* Set axis text properties */
&cChart.XAxisLabelOrient = %ChartText_Horizontal;
&cChart.XAxisTitle = "Performance";
&cChart.YAxisTitle = "Performance Count";

Sample Output:

  •      &cChart.IsDrillable = True;  
If set this property as true then y-axis field change will trigger when we click on part of a chart.

Jan 20, 2013

PeopleSoft : App Engine: XML Export File using File Layout

Creating a File Layout.
  1. Create or Select a Record for your data.  I used a view, to avoid having to deal with joins in PeopleCode.
  2. Create a File Layout Definition.
  3. Create an Application Engine Program, with a tiny bit of code in it.
  4. Stuff all these things into a project so you can maintain your sanity at a later time.
After you have selected the record with the data you want to export, create a new File Layout Definition (File->New Definition->File Layout).

On the definition tab, right click “NEW FILE” and select Insert Record.  Search for the record you are using for your data, and double click it.  The Record Definition, and its columns will show up under “NEW FILE” now.  Save your File Layout Definition.

Click the Property Icon , then click the “Use” tab, and select XML in the “File Layout Format” drop down. Click OK.

Create a new Application Engine Program (File->New->Application Engine Program).  Right click “Step01″ and select “Insert Action”.  Click where it says “SQL”, and select “PeopleCode” from the drop down.

Double click the new action to edit the PeopleCode.  Copy and paste this PeopleCode into the window:
Local Record &Rec;
Local File &File;
Local SQL &SQL;

&File = GetFile("c:\temp\export_sample.xml", "W", %FilePath_Absolute);
If &File.IsOpen Then
If &File.SetFileLayout(FileLayout.YOUR_FILE_LAYOUT_DEFINITION) Then
&Rec = CreateRecord(Record.YOUR_RECORD_DEFINITION);
&SQL = CreateSQL("%Selectall(:1)", &Rec);
While &SQL.Fetch(&Rec)
Error ("File Layout Not Correct");
Error ("file not open");

PeopleSoft : Differences between App Engine and SQR

App Engine
Maintained with in PeopleSoft, so Impact analysis is much easier. Changes to objects need not be dealt with every A.E every time.
Lies outside PeopleSoft, so separate Impact analysis is required. Changes need to be done manually in every file.
A.E. is a PeopleTool object designed as an alternative for SQR, COBOL, etc for background processing using SQL and PeopleCode.

Can be
– Run from Application Designer.
– Called from People Code function.
– Running from DOS Environment (Debugging).
– Running from Application Engine People Tool.
– Running from People soft Application.
Can be
– Process Scheduler
–Command Line (Can take user input)
Can use
Component Interface
Integration Broker
Message Catalogs

Ease of coding
We can use Meta-SQL in PeoplCode/SQL.
These expand to SQL in runtime thus decreasing the effort of coding
For e.g.
%Join àJoins the given tables using common fields or keys, can exclude list of fields.  Avoids rework even when record structure changes.
%EffdtCheck à Creates the sub query for effective date check
%Coalesce à Avoids database dependent coding for NVL

State table/AET table (SQL Table or Derived/Work Record) used to store/share Program level variables.
Temp Tables to break complicated logic/sql and perform faster.  Since all is done in database the processing is faster. Output doesn't reach permanent tables until program is successful. Avoids deadlocks etc. in case it abends it can be fixed and rerun again.
Have to use variables or arrays to pass values.
Restartability à In case the program abends due to some issue it can be set to restart from that point instead of running from start all over again. AET table must be SQL Table for this.
Repeatability à SQLs can be set for reusability thus saving recompile time and running faster.

Different sections can be created for different Markets, or different Platforms (databases)

Has built in debugger
Trace can be set for various levels of debugging
Must use SHOW or DISPLAY for debugging.
No debugger.
Can call other A.E. using Call Section or use Functions in FuncLib or App Packages.
Can call functions in SQCs.


Programming technique is very restrictive. Cant use SQL and PeopleCode together.  Has its own advantages.

Restricted View
Can see one SQL/peopleCode at a time.
Can see full program. Understanding is easy.  Even editor can be of our choice.
Control Structure is fixed
Flow is not restricted.

Jan 19, 2013

PeopleSoft : Creating MSExcel with new sheets through peoplecode:

Local object &oWorkApp, &oWorkBook;

&sFilePath = "C:\temp\TEST_FL.xlsx";
&sFileDestPath = "C:\temp\Test.xlsx";

&oWorkApp = CreateObject("COM", "Excel.Application");
&oWorkApp.DisplayAlerts = "False";

ObjectSetProperty(&oWorkApp, "Visible", True);
&oWorkBook = ObjectGetProperty(&oWorkApp, "Workbooks");
&oWorkSheet = &oWorkApp.Worksheets("Sheet1");
&oWorkSheet.Range("A1:C5").Font.Bold = True;

&oWorkApp.WorkSheets.Add().Name = "Test";
&oWorkSheet = &oWorkApp.Worksheets("Test");

&oWorkSheet.Range("A1:C5").Font.Bold = True;

&oWorkSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "I'm adding stuff to be bolded";
&oWorkSheet.Cells(1, 1).Font.Bold = True;
&oWorkSheet.Cells(1, 1).Font.Size = 24;
&oWorkSheet.Cells(1, 1).Font.ColorIndex = 3;


&oWorkApp.DisplayAlerts = "True";

Jan 4, 2013

PeopleSoft : Save Project Peoplecode into file:

If you want to save the entire peoplecode of your project you can do it through application designer.
Bellow are the steps to save peoplecode to file.

In application designer
1.Go to Edit->Find In option.
2.Enter find character as semicolon(;) and select your project.
3.Check the Save PeopleCode to file option.
4.Click Find button it will ask a file name.
5.Provide the file name and location where you want to save the file.

Then the peoplecode of your project stored into file.